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Jonathan Jensen

Jonathan Jensen

Regulatory Policy Advisor at GBG
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Bio Currently my focus is on the future of identity verification, digital identity, financial crime, regulation and market trends. The effect of regulation on fintech businesses and its impact on consumers fascinates me. Career History I'm passionate about removing friction and frustration from identity verification and payments. During 20 years working in identity verification and payments I've launched new products in identity verification, digital money and consumer payments; in both startup and corporate environments.


Digital Identity Management

Why onboarding is the key to fintech success

29 Jul 2020

The challenge faced by every financial provider, including fintechs, is how to onboard customers as smoothly as possible. But what does best practice look like? In my experience, signing up for a new account can be an exercise in friction and frustration, not least because identity verification has been poorly implemented as an afterthought. A dig...


Digital Identity Management

Getting to the crUX of identity verification

27 Aug 2019

Great identity verification should be top of the list when it comes to technological improvement in finance. The number of people using online services is increasing, as online banking grows at an average of 3.5% year-on-year in the UK. And while this is a positive step for consumers, more data online means more procedures are needed to protect cu...