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Hannah Lewis

Hannah Lewis

UK Country Manager and SVP UK Card Services at American Express
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Women in Finance

Why we should make collaboration a career development priority

10 May 2024

I’m a passionate advocate of being proactive when it comes to career development. Rather than just an annual activity or something that happens only during a formal workplace appraisal cycle, thinking about career goals and what will help unlock these professional ambitions should be a year-round process. You might be signing up for training to b...

Women in Finance

How we can support women to drive greater inclusion across the financial services industry

30 Mar 2023

March is an important month of reflection for women. It marks both International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month, both of which celebrate the social, political, economic and cultural achievements of women across the world. This also creates an important moment for discussion about gender equality in the workplace. It’s a good opportunity to c...