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Ori Bauer

Ori Bauer

CEO at Dynamic Yield, a Mastercard company
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Disruption in Retail Banking

Why Organisational Alignment Is Key to Achieving Personalisation Maturity in Financial Services

20 Feb 2024

Customer experience is everything – in fact, 61% of people are unlikely to return to a brand that does not provide, at minimum, a satisfactory one[1]. And when it comes to experience, personalisation is crucial; 72% of consumers rated it as “highly important” in today’s financial services landscape.[2] Key to delivering the relevant, convenient, ...

Digital Banking Trends

Financial Institutions Are Missing Out on Personalisation

31 May 2023

As brands rushed to build seamless and effective omnichannel presences at the start of the pandemic, consumers benefitted from more choice and a renewed focus on better experiences. In the wake of that rush, we now get relevant and personalised experiences when we engage with streaming services, retailers, online grocery platforms and beyond, and ...