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2024 (1) 2023 (1)
William Perry

William Perry

VP at Medallia
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Bio William Perry is the Head of Financial Services at Medallia in the UK, Ireland, Middle East and Africa. An accomplished leader who excels in building and leading high-performing teams, William is instrumental in driving customer success and fostering growth for banks, wealth management firms and other financial services organisations. Prior to Medallia, he held senior positions at Qualtrics and Cobalt Robotics. William has a Masters in Conflict Resolution from the University of Bradford and is based in London, UK.


Digital Banking Trends

The customer experience outlook in 2024: Personalisation and AI to bring finservs closer to consumer

24 Jan 2024

In 2023, the UK’s business sector weathered storms such as geopolitical tensions, the cost-of-living crisis, and an economic downturn. This turbulence looks set to continue well into 2024, forcing organisations to tread cautiously and make more informed decisions regarding investments, product development, and overall strategy. Central to this wi...

Innovation in Financial Services

The value of personalisation to today’s Finserv customer

14 Sep 2023

The modern finserv customer has high expectations. Accustomed to the ease of mainstream consumer services, they expect the same levels of experience to be replicated across their financial services journeys. The success of these consumer interactions can be attributed to two key factors. Firstly, the provision of a true omnichannel offering – givin...