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Achin Puri

Achin Puri

Co-founder and CEO at Catalyyze
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Bio I am Co founder and CEO of Catalyyze. Catalyyze is a marketplace for coaching services. You can find professional & personal development programs, one on one coaching and coaching certifications programs on Catalyyze. These are related to financial coaching including cash flow, personal savings, business coaching, life coaching etc. Career History I have around 20 years of experience in diverse fields of technology services, management consulting, Head of Strategy & budgeting etc


Behavioral Economics in Banking

4 Ways to increase savings

28 Aug 2020

When it comes to saving money, it doesn’t matter whether you are rich, poor or whatever economic class you belong to. Besides being the crucial thing for an economically backward class to save money for their food, clothing and shelter, it is also a necessary activity that needs to be cultivated by the economically stronger section. There is no gu...