Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation

Founded by Ambrish Parmar
Group founded 20 Jun 2018
Posts 828
Members 149
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Latest thinking in respect to Banking Strategy, Digital and Transformation. Harnessing our collective wisdom to make banking better. Ambrish Parmar

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Riaz Syed

A strategic approach to expanding their distribution channels to grow deposits

Deposit growth continues to be the number one business priority of bankers, according to BAI Banking Outlook: 2024 Trends, as it serves as the cornerstone of various aspects of banking operations, in...

19 Apr 2024
John Bertrand

Future of Payment Review: six-months on – Digital Payment Infrastructure

Joe Garner’s Future of Payment review published in 2023 on behalf of the UK Government reflected the complexity of the current instant payment UK environment. The situation has allowed the UK’s early ...

17 Apr 2024
John Bertrand

Future of Payment Review UK – six months on

Joe Garner’s Future of Payment review published in 2023 on behalf of the UK Government reflected the complexity of the current instant payment UK environment. The situation has allowed the UK’s early ...

10 Apr 2024
Sergiy Fitsak

How FedNow is Shaping Payments Since its Groundbreaking Launch

In the six months following its groundbreaking launch in July 2023, FedNow has emerged as a transformative force in real-time payments, marking a significant departure from the traditional Automated ...

09 Apr 2024
Eric Bierry

Three European Banking Trends Poised to Transform the U.S.

Europe’s banking landscape today looks significantly different than it did just a few years ago, largely defined by new regulations that have emerged in response to consumers’ shifting financial behav...

09 Apr 2024
Irina Latushkina

Modern banking: technological or human?

12 years ago I was a client of a super safe bank with an absolutely disgusting client service. For example, when I came once to the brunch to get some cash without a plastic card, they gave me 90% an

08 Apr 2024
Gary Singh

Building The Cards of Tomorrow: 10 Must-Have Capabilities

Recent data on US credit card holders tells us that they value flexibility and control more than rewards and fee-based offers. In light of rising interest rates and debt, consumers view credit cards a...

03 Apr 2024
Priya Kumari

Revolutionizing On-Device AI: World-English Language Models and FinTech Impact

Prelude In the rapidly evolving world of artificial intelligence (AI), there is a constant drive to push the boundaries of what is possible. One area where this is particularly evident is in the de

29 Mar 2024
Alex Ford

The rise of Corporate Digital Identity in banking

The rise of Corporate Digital Identity in banking Corporate Digital Identity (CDI) is revolutionizing the Client Experience in Institutional and Commercial banking. Enabling fast, accurate identity v...

28 Mar 2024
Mike Wolfel

Beyond the Core: Rethinking the Path to Modernization for Banks

Why banks today must think outside the core and adopt a new approach to transformation initiatives For much of the last decade, banking technology modernization has been viewed through a single prism ...

28 Mar 2024
Sergiy Fitsak

Key Challenges Digital Banks are Facing in 2024

With the neobanking market projected to swell to $6.37 billion in 2024, and a user base expected to hit 386.3 million by 2028, the industry's potential is undeniable. Yet, alongside opportunity come ...

25 Mar 2024
Siobhan Byron

Navigating the terrain of composable banking with pragmatism and purpose

Few industries rely on technology as much as the financial services industry does. In fact, Gartner estimates that banks spend more than $650 billion on technology each year. Some question whether ban...

21 Mar 2024

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