Digital Insurance Trends

Group founded 28 Jul 2017
Posts 41
Members 7
Group summary

Customer acquisition, onboarding and engagement, underwriting and risk management, billing and claims – all these areas are being changed by the digital innovations. Digital Insurance Trends is a group for professionals who are interested in Insurance Technology, Fintechs, and Solutions Providers - as well as Global Industry Intelligence.

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Keith Stonell

Insurance drones, boots on the ground, and big data

Drones are often touted as being the answer to a great number of modern day challenges. Soon, we are told, they will be making shopping deliveries for us, dropping off pizzas, and even taxiing us aro...

21 May 2018
Retired Member

Insurance will change in the next industrial revolution

After every few years, there is always a technological breakthrough happening and the pace or rate at which these significant events happen will increase. Gordon E. Moore, co-founder of Intel, stated ...

08 Apr 2018
Retired Member

Car Insurance, what is coming next

According to Warren Buffet, the CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, any technology that reduces auto accidents is remarkable, but auto insurance companies should not be holding a party, yet. The truth is, 90% ...

07 Apr 2018
Retired Member

Artificial Intelligence - How Machine Learning is Transforming Underwriting

Over the last decade, several sectors of the economy adopted and implemented digital technologies to improve business connections and maximize output and efficiency. However, the insurance industry is...

12 Mar 2018
Keith Stonell

Come the data revolution: predictive analytics and the future of insurance

Can predictive analytics forecast if predictive analytics will transform the insurance industry? If you were to ask someone ten years ago, you might have thought ‘yeah right.’ But in the last few yea...

09 Feb 2018

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