Fintech innovation and startups

Group founded 11 Dec 2014
Posts 148
Members 45
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Disruption, destruction, harmony and creation; Fintech’s new frontier – a place to discuss the cutting edge of innovation.

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Hamza Khan

Elevating trust with lessons from the past

In 1852, Elisha Otis invented the safety elevator. If the hoisting rope broke, its safety mechanism automatically brought it to a halt – as he demonstrated to dramatic effect at the 1854 world fair. A...

16 Sep 2019
Denis Novikov

Super Apps and Financial Services: How Can Banks Catch Up With the Trend?

Super apps are just appearing in the US and European countries, while in the Asian-Pacific region they already became a natural part of daily routine. So what are super apps and what is so special a

05 Sep 2019
Willem Lambrechts


According to Norm Brodsky and Bo Burlingham, authors of the brilliant book “Street Smarts, an all-purpose tool kit for entrepreneurs”, a fairly common problem with most entrepreneurs is what they call...

14 Aug 2019
Rik Coeckelbergs

How to find great collaboration between fintech and banks

In April, I had the pleasure to participate in a challenger session with Julian Sawyer (COO at Starling Bank) and Noemi Papp (Head of Digital & Retail, at EBF) at 6th Nextgen Payments Forum in Cyp...

04 Jul 2019
Willem Lambrechts

The necessary -?- evil -?- called sales

Headline in Flemish financial newspaper "De Tijd" last Thursday : "Gents Teamleader neemt gas terug in buitenlandse expansie". Translated : Ghent-based Teamleader slows down intern...

20 Mar 2019
Paul Dawson

Theranos, Lean Start Ups and How to Alienate Customers

Start ups are hard. When my mind prematurely wanders off to success I have to stop myself and focus on my product and service. I do know what my values are and what I hope to achieve and I am commi

07 Mar 2019
Richard Miller

Christmas Books: For the Entrepreneur in your life

For most people starting their own business is pretty daunting. Luckily bookstores are awash with books to guide, advise and stop you making mistakes along the way. In some ways there is too much choi...

24 Dec 2018
Bo Harald

Is all data MyData?

All data is somebody's data. Not really owned - but somebody is having the often exclusive right to use it. Sometimes alone, sometimes together, sometimes the right to alter and delete it, sometimes n...

21 Dec 2018
Bo Harald

Real Time Economy on EU top agenda

Loud and clear - Timmerman's horizontal responsibility (see page 40) With GDPR and gearing up we w...

15 Dec 2018
Bob Lyddon

Italian government decides on path out of Budget dispute with the EU - with a FinTech innovation

The bridge over the Rubicon has been built and we now just wait for Caesar to cross it - key decision-makers in Rome have decided how to get themselves out of their impasse between their proposed Budg...

29 Nov 2018
Akshaya Bhargava

AI - The Perfect Assistant?

Recently, while doing a demo of one of our products, I was asked “where is the AI in this?” The question is neither uncommon nor rhetorical but comes with much sub-text. Do we genuinely want to know h...

28 Nov 2018
Retired Member

5 Fintech Startups to Watch in 2019

5 of the Hottest Fintech start-ups to Watch in 2019 Who are the fintech start-ups worth banking on in the year ahead? We are in the grip of a fintech revolution and 2019 is set to be a pivotal year, w...

06 Nov 2018

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