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2022 (7)
Ilan Friedman

Ilan Friedman

Director Strategy at Nipendo
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Bio Ilan Friedman is a veteran global business professional whose expertise lies in launching advanced products into global markets through a combination of disciplines. Ilan currently serves as the Director of International Growth Strategy and Implementation at Nipendo


The Payments Business

Beating the Supply Chain Challenge

16 Dec 2022

In the 1960s, psychologist Walter Mischel performed a study around delayed gratification. He left preschool-age children in a room with one treat, offering them the choice of eating it immediately, or waiting for him to return with two treats. Without guidance, most children devoured the treat immediately, but after being advised to think of the...


If you want an efficient supply chain, don't mess with your suppliers

20 Nov 2022

We all know the past few years have been challenging as far as supply chain goes, and it doesn't look like things will improve any time soon. According to McKinsey, global supply chains suffer from three primary challenges: labor shortages, equipment availability, and the ripple effect of global bottlenecks. IndustryWeek magazine adds that sup...

The Payments Business

A Better Way To Manage Contractor Invoices In The Software And IT Services Industry

26 Oct 2022

Corporations that deliver software and IT services find themselves concerned with an ever-increasing demand for transformation and improved customer experience, growing requirements around cybersecurity and data privacy, various types of geopolitical influencers that only appear to be increasing in severity, and the “ordinary” lineup of competitiv...

Personal Finance

The Headache of Implementing a Source-to-Pay Automation Solution

26 Aug 2022

There's a Simpler Way It's not your fault. Implementation was not supposed to take this long, nor was it supposed to cost this much. But what's worse – it didn't really get you the results you expected. If you've implemented a Source-to-Pay (S2P) automation solution, this might sound familiar. But when you listened to vendors in this space, you...