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Bo Harald

Public sector credentials to all wallets - to cross the death walley

Picture included in my Linkedin post (used to manage them here in the past)

08 May 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Wallets galore

As many of us have seen, there is no shortage of wallets on offer. has compiled a list to support ongoing issuing, holding and verifying verified data tests - and to support the w

09 Apr 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Fresh out from the press

Fresh out from the press. Comprehensive and concrete actions described here: Comprehensive with concrete actions described. Leading the way for the European Single market.

22 Mar 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

If you don't know where you are going, any road will do..

So where are we going? Do we realize that we nead leaps in productivty, in service capability, in security, in privacy, in Single Market progress and in serious lowering of costs in the public sectors...

13 Mar 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

If you have a hammer..

If you have a hammer, everything around may look like a nail - they say. With the hammer-advent of Self-sovereign Identity, DIDs, decentralised data, Trust over IP,, Open Wallet Foundation, e...

05 Mar 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

There should be no doubt

Every organisation (enterprises, states, municipalities, 3rd sector) should asap deploy the now available simple EUDI-compatible applications for sending and receiving verified data (credentials) betw...

22 Jan 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Time for Micro-Credentials

Citizens - at home and at work - will get accustomed to get all sorts of credentials to their identity wallets. One important life event for the citizen at home is the job application and at work the ...

03 Jan 2024
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Credentials galore - the new megatrend

2023 was the year when it was widely realised that e-identification - important as it is - is just one credential building the e-identity of citizens and organisations. With the already available EUDI...

03 Jan 2024
Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services
Bo Harald

This mess must be cleared

We are now moving fast to the Trust Infrastructure with EUDI-compliant general purpose automatically interoperable identitywallets for all parties - the data source, the data rights holder and for the...

29 Nov 2023
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

SSI and FIDO - according to ChatGPT

FIDO (Fast Identity Online) and SSI (Self-Sovereign Identity) are two distinct but complementary concepts that can work together to enhance online identity management and authentication. FIDO (Fast ...

28 Nov 2023
Bo Harald

Connecting AI to the Trust Infrastructure - ChatGPT sees it

How could SSI support AI applications? Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) can be immensely supportive for AI applications in various ways: 1. **Data Integrity and Authenticity**: SSI ensures that the dat...

01 Nov 2023
Innovation in Financial Services
Bo Harald

Do not serve your customer!

The starting point in the data driven economy is now becoming: Do not serve your customer! Serve her life events! And this is precisely what especially elderly people - less apt as hunting down data f...

01 Nov 2023
Innovation in Financial Services

Now hiring