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Mayuri Jain

Diversification is The Key to Survival and Growth for Commercial Lenders in Challenging Times

“In times of economic turbulence, diversification isn’t just a strategy—it’s a lifeline.” This powerful statement underscores the critical importance of diversification for commercial lenders, especi...

15 May 2024
Mayuri Jain

Eshhhh, Green Hushing? The Silent Shift in Corporate ESG Talk!

In recent years, the term “green-hushing” has emerged in the corporate world, reflecting a growing trend where companies are becoming more reticent about publicly discussing their Environmental, Socia...

14 May 2024
Sustainable compliance
Mayuri Jain

How Customer-Centric Communication Transforms Borrower Satisfaction

From the moment a borrower expresses interest in getting a loan to the final repayment, a bank’s communication strategies shape the customer’s perception of its lending process. Many financial institu...

14 May 2024
Banking and Lending Solutions
Mayuri Jain

How Modern Technology Can Transform Building Societies

Building societies are a vital part of the financial services industry, known for their mutual model that prioritizes the interests of members and local communities. Many have been serving their commu...

13 May 2024
Banking and Lending Solutions
Mayuri Jain

How Credit Unions Can Thrive in the Digital Age

In the rapidly evolving landscape of financial services, credit unions face a unique set of challenges and opportunities. While committed to their member-first ethos and community focus, credit unions...

13 May 2024
Mayuri Jain

Story of Core Modernization

In the world of finance, the winds of change are blowing stronger than ever before, sweeping across the landscapes shaped by legacy systems and traditional business practices. Financial enterprises fi...

10 May 2024

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