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Revolutionizing Real-Time Payments with GenAI

1. Introduction

Today, real-time payments are being revolutionized by Artificial Intelligence. This is a significant change for the better, because previous ways of making payments have been increasingly problematic. Fraud has been a rising issue in recent years, as current fraud detection methods focus on finding known threats and identifying trends related to historical data. But the power of AI can be used not only to identify fraud in real-time before it happens, but also to streamline the entire payment process; making payments quicker, easier and more secure for everyone involved. The recent development of GenAl has been a major catalyst for this payment revolution. Through the use of this cutting-edge technology, solutions have been developed that are capable of transforming the way in which real-time transactions are processed.

By understanding the behavioural patterns and intricate details too complex for human analysis present in payment transactions, these AI solutions eliminate the time-consuming need for human involvement to authenticate transactions. GenAl can not only provide counterfeit protection and fraud prevention, but also expedite the payment process itself well beyond anything that is currently possible using traditional methods. These benefits are exemplified in applications such as the SWIFT global payment innovation (GPI), which has been in use since 2017; a platform for executing real-time transactions in over 40 countries worldwide. Indeed, with the prevalent real-time nature of GenAl-based solutions, combined with increasing mass adoption by industries and financial institutions, the era of real-time payment revolution does appear to be imminent.

As will be detailed in the following sections, the integration of AI in the payment landscape also has the potential to greatly improve the personal experience of consumers beyond simply offering increased security. With a fully digital end-to-end payment process, the practice of relying on physical forms of payment or transactions — and all the inefficiency and hassle that they entail — can become a thing of the past. Additionally, by allowing for instantaneous verification and authentication of transactions, customers are not made to wait for payment processing and manual queuing systems to be completed. All aspects of transaction management from the customer perspective, including purchase decisions, funds availability and digital receipts, can be supported in a seamless digital environment.

1.1. The Importance of Real-Time Payments

The modern world has become increasingly reliant on instant gratification, and thus real-time data and instant payment methods are more important than ever. It is because of these expectations of instantaneous data and payment that in the UK, for example, a real-time payment system has been designed. Such a system provides a means of transferring money and an opportunity for the payee to make use of the received funds in real time, that is immediately, once the transfer has taken place. There are many arguments for the benefits of real-time payments. For businesses, such systems can enable payments to be made and received more easily and quickly, which can lead to improved cash flow. Businesses are also able to think about using their collected transaction data to provide more personalised services to their customers; one of the main advantages of the speed of the real-time payments is already the possibility for companies to offer these improved and tailored services. It will also allow for instant bank account deposits and payments, meaning that customers will feel more secure in the knowledge that their funds can be accessed and transactions completed immediately. The system will also ultimately facilitate and secure a cashless society, which has both the immediate advantage of reducing the costs involved in the production and safekeeping of a national currency and the wider reaching benefit of making teaming money more difficult. Thank to the advent of the internet and an increasingly global world, the ability to trade digitally and cross-border payments are increasingly important for businesses and customers. By ensuring that the funds are received almost instantly, the payees will be able to make more prompt decisions and feel secure in the legitimacy of the transaction.

1.2. Challenges in the Current Payment Landscape

The haste to make payments in actual time was turning technically complex with the progressing real-time payment landscape and recognition all over the world. Current conventional payment systems were well designed to complete agreements within days or hours. On the other, the innovative best suggested real-time payment abilities in order to finish the payments in seconds or maybe less brand real-time compensation remain challenging which necessitate very high levels of technological undertakings hence testing the primary business process, maintenance levels, accountability and business fortitude of association and working to transmit real-time payments. Many payment systems were organized in order to screen the processes of observe of the financial market or possibly disarrangement in distinctive market with the intention of best describing to the numerous or authoritative start for accomplishing that shape of payment. The practical stakes that were articulated with the urged innovative systems, particularly in risk management and process, scrutiny and conformity. The exuberance of payments and the patterns that needs to be tackled gave increase for obstacles in taking the suggested real-time payment gaining that is mainly settled. The real-time payments should not be misunderstood. In order to benefit from the modern technological drives, the concept and the associated danger should be taken into relation by all the risk holders. Fast and advanced databases were expected in order to assist to store and retriever information that is concern to the payments. A scrupulous change plan over the payment system alterations were necessary. Transferring method for any kind of larger financial organizations which was a streamlined that perhaps do not viable call for any modernization effort, the mechanism were suggested and changed in presentation, were the payments can be re-directed or by-pass certain the operative measure. Start a lively approval in which delay, ought put and diminish in the real mode of operation will be examined. There are a mess that may be knowledge in today’s payment system changes when the clientele’s consequential and capricious selection is put to play. Clients have no means of preventing payments once rule and procedures are brought into line with the advance practice so that technologist desire be able to follow them. A point could be made for the future that the real operative can be regard as nearly identical to any other best mode of executing a payment. The mechanism and field of improvement art which were advantageously involved may be describe but it were made in this five dispensation. Technology is rapidly forward and so does the challenges of applying it. Technology which a generation now accepted as the modern, deft and best suggested standard will be compelled to abscond by its departure in the future yet.

2. Understanding GenAI

As we begin to revolutionise our tasks to make usage of advanced technologies, it's important for us to understand just how these technologies work. This segment of the series we're going to dive deep down into GenAI and just how its user in real-time portal-based payment processing can revolutionise our methods. I think the best way to describe GenAI on its own would be as a collection of technologies that are used with each other in order to analyze as well as comprehend the world, in real-time. This concept of the ability for technology to not just gather and process data separately, but to be continually current and aware of the data it's working together with owing to human judgement is referred to as artificial general intelligence. Artificial general intelligence, or even AGI, refers to a wide-ranging machine intelligence that, in theory, can afford for a cognitive capacity far over and above the scope that's potential in the current AI technology. AGI is rather cutting edge in the AI research field as well as it isn't that widespread in real-world applications. Oops, not this one. AGI has the ability to possess as well as understand significantly more advanced functionalities in technologies, due to it having potential for freedom-of-thought and consciousness combined with the so-called "learning ability".

2.1. What is GenAI?

GenAI is a form of artificial intelligence that is designed to process data at rapid speeds, learn from both historical data and real-time user interactions, and make decisions based on that information. GenAl's structure is based on neural networks - algorithms that are capable of detecting and processing patterns in large data sets. These networks are designed to mimic the way that the human nervous system processes information: each individual node is connected to many others, and each of these connections has the ability to alter the strength of the signal being passed from one node to the next by a certain degree. By using layers of interconnected nodes and passing inputs through the first layer, then into the middle data-processing layers and finally into the output layer, neural networks can process data in complex ways, identify trends and patterns and make 'decisions' based on the outputs of the network. GenAI uses a form of neural network known as a deep learning network. These types of algorithms can process data very efficiently and are the underlying technology behind the AI revolution that we are currently experiencing. By using advanced systems such as the GenAI structure, the world of real-time payments can overcome many of the traditional issues that have restricted the overall capabilities and effectiveness. With the introduction of more advanced payments technology negating the need for or reliance upon these intermediaries, payments are able to take place solely between the sender and the recipient in a process that is known as peer-to-peer (P2P) payment settlement. Such settlements are highly sought after within the payments industry as they offer extremely low processing times: in most cases, a payment can be initiated and will be completed within mere seconds. This transformative capability towards real-time payments is exactly how GenAI can start to revolutionize the way that payments are made and managed.

2.2. How GenAI Can Transform Real-Time Payments

The main way in which GenAI can transform real-time payments is by providing more information and greater predictive analysis that could potentially revolutionize the fraud prevention process. Real-time payments and most particularly the UK's implementation of them have been focused on the "push" payment. This is a credit transfer from one account to another, where the movement of money is initiated by the payer. The benefits of such a system are clear, with the speed of transaction being the main advantage for both businesses and consumers.

However, as with any financial transaction, there are those who seek to exploit the system and payments technology by stealing money through fraudulent activity. Predominantly, fraud prevention measures with real-time payments have focused on the person making the payment, known as the "payee". It's this information that is used in the decision-making process for fraud checks. Whilst significant at the time of the transaction, particularly from a fraud prevention perspective, by leveraging GenAI to process the additional data that is made available for requests for fraud service consent and to provide a detailed analysis of the data, that very notion of consents by the payee could change. In other words, GenAI in real-time payments can utilize the extra data and make fraud prevention more effective by providing them with the power and ability to make it harder for fraudsters to use the transaction. It's easy to see how leveraging GenAI to provide the service and the payee's detailed data capabilities could give leeway to the UK payments industry in moving away from this element of fraud prevention. The service could request detailed data in providing fraud prevention services–something that is not envisaged under the current payment systems. Using GenAI to analyze the data could give the power to doing so more effectively and making the provision of consent by the payee less important and possibly obsolete.

The regulatory implications of both oversight of fraud prevention services and customer rights are something that could well change if the industry utilizes the advancements that have been made with GenAI for real-time payments. Given that the latest data can be processed instantaneously by GenAI, a request that this could be utilized and validation of fraud checks by the payer, could shift the focus on payment consent and fraud prevention. These are exciting times and who knows where the technology will take us next. But, the capabilities of GenAI are such that it has the potential to truly revolutionize real-time payments.

2.3. Benefits of Implementing GenAI in Payment Systems

And given that the majority of customers keep choosing mobile wallets over traditional payment methods, it is paramount that a company operates with cutting edge technology to be able to offer such real time payment options. The older systems such as traditional cards process a transaction in a number of days and when one pays, the money goes to the merchant on the next business day, at the very least. When a customer makes a payment, the transaction data is sent to a payment gateway that is involved. These gateways route the transactions to the respective associations then to the issuing bank and back to the association and then to the acquiring bank and the merchant. Each of these entities hold the transaction for some time (same day ACH payments) before the money finally gets to the intended person. This is the reason why at the end of payment, a customer receives a notification of the transaction at the start which is always posted as pending and then on the next day, he will get another notification that the transaction has been cleared.

Traditionally, such older type transactions were acceptable and indeed some merchants thrived in the market. However, with the introduction of real time payments, we have witnessed unprecedented growth and the fact that money moves really fast than never before and the benefits one can get during the business transactions are enormous.

As such it is quite a high time for the payment processors and financial technology companies to start considering the option of migrating to a much efficient and a super sped up solution for payments. This guarantees them that they will be able to keep up with the rapidly evolving demands of both the merchants and the clients. With the immense improvements that GenAI can introduce to payments systems, the future of a company in this sector would be quite exciting.

By taking advantage of the benefits that are achievable in the real time payments, a lot of innovative products and services can be introduced into the market. An example is that immediately the customer performs a transaction, one can be able to send him a notification on either an offered discount or a suggestion of a much cheaper and better alternative product that he is making payment for in some other store that is preferable to the merchant. Also with the transaction and customer data being processed and generated in real time, many analytical and artificial intelligence based services and solutions can be offered to the merchants, which will in turn help them to understand their customers effectively and tailor their marketing efforts for efficiency.

3. Implementing GenAI in Real-Time Payment Systems

When you're designing technology that needs to function in critical infrastructure environments, it's important to understand that the standards for reliability, failover and support are going to be higher than they are in many other industries. The standard for uptime in the Pay.UK real-time payments infrastructure is 'four nines' - 99.99%. To achieve those kinds of uptime stats, the entire service has been designed to be extremely resilient, to the extent that the failure of an entire data center shouldn't affect the service. The 'lngenico Payments' section of the Pay.UK service accepts and processes Faster Payment transactions. These are high-value, real-time payments; for context, in September 2019, in total over £646 billion was sent using this method.

Because consumers expect to be able to make these payments 24/7, the service operates a 'cutover' system in which every transaction is either processed right now, or temporarily stored until a time when processing can continue - for example, during maintenance.

The system that has been developed to accept requests and then determine which of the two options available (process now, or process later) is used is a C++ /Java application. As such, the process for setting up continuous integration and deployment (Cl/CD) for this project is going to be slightly different to the steps we needed to carry out when looking at other projects written in languages such as Python or JavaScript.

However, the software development method, where developers merge their code changes in to a central master branch as often as is needed, is universal. But for Cl/CD projects like this, where we're going to be automatically running builds and different tests, it' s more important to ensure that the main branch is always in a healthy state after any changes.

The Jenkins Continuous Integration (Cl) Build Monitor keeps an up-to-date record of the results of each stage within the software build and deployment process, as well as giving information about who performed each stage and when the work was undertaken. This not only enables quick identification and rectification of problems that may occur; but also provides helpful auditing information. But it's important to note that Jenkins isn't quite configured straight out of the box to immediately upload to a remote server using the 'web publish' method once the Jenkins Cl build is successful. D uri ng our c on f i gu r a ti on p r oces s, we'll need to feed informati on about our target machine in to both Jenkins and Visual Studio in order to enable auto mated publishing.

3.1. Key Considerations for Integration

From project scoping and planning to integration and deployment, having a thorough understanding of the various implementation considerations and technical requirements that are necessary to successfully implement GenAI is key.

In the context of a real-time payment system, many of these factors take on added importance. In the following, we will discuss some key considerations that you will need to take into account throughout the implementation lifecycle.

First, the performance of the solution is absolutely critical. Industry benchmarks for real-time payment systems require that payment processing times do not exceed a certain threshold. For example, in the UK, the industry standard for a 'Faster Payment', which is the near real-time interbank payment service, is to process 95% of payments within 15 seconds. Close consideration will therefore need to be given to the performance and latency impacts of integrating GenAI with the existing payment architecture.

Crucially, these considerations will not only be relevant at the initial 'go live' stage of AWSor GCP, but throughout the life of the service. Modern software development emphasises the importance of iterative development processes such as 'time-boxed' sprints in 'agile' methodologies. As such, it will be important to ensure the GenAI in realtime payments - continuous performance monitoring and logging capabilities are in place for all different environments – from development to production.

Most technical professionals are increasingly aware of the need for robust cybersecurity best practices. As the pace of cyber-attacks continues to grow, and payment fraud becomes increasingly frequent and sophisticated, ensuring the security and resilience of a payment system is a top priority for the industry.

Given the critical nature of real-time payment systems it is likely that future spread of AI solutions will be met with close scrutiny from regulators and auditors around the world. Modern industry-specific compliance standards such as the 'Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard' and the 'ISO/IEC 27001' for information security management look to address this point, placing significant emphasis on the need to protect this sensitive personal data throughout the payment lifecycle.

Always consult with your trusted advisory team. Every real-time payment system is truly unique – environments will differ not only in terms of scale, but also in terms of the nuances created by existing technologies, integration with third parties and the legacy of historic design choices. These can produce unforeseen complexities and interconnected challenges at any, or indeed every, stage of the implementation lifecycle as you work towards deploying GenAI successfully into the service. It is very important to ensure that you maintain this relationship throughout the delivery of the project and lean on the expertise and experience that your chosen specialists can offer.

3.2. Overcoming Implementation Challenges

The initial confrontation with the existing payment system architecture is identifying how the relevant payment message types and identification schemes associated with the system operate, and how the system can be made to respond in a way that complies with the requirements of the Payments Services Directive and the Rules, as referenced in both the Directive and the EBA Guidance.

Although the end goal might be to make the system do something on receipt of a payment message, it can often be helpful to work back from the actual data which can be seen in the message, through the necessary flow of messages and sequences required to initiate the payment and then onto the system's response.

By breaking the process into steps and differentiating between where data comes from and any user input required, it can help to identify which technology or data field is operating at each stage and how the output from preceding message flows can lead into later processes. In fact, some payment service operators have already designed a payment system and incorporated into their application and enrolment form customer undertakings and consents to certain methods of payment, usually with reference to the kind of payer authentication strategy which might be employed. However, from the perspective of the relevant credit transfer and direct debit scheme rules, it is necessary to ensure that the system and its operation in practice actually can comply with either the payer's instructions or the mandates issued by the payer in respect of a direct debit.

Only when the operation of the existing payment system is fully understood can development work begin to adapt the system to provide new capability and to deliver the level of secure connectivity which a newly introduced technology interface needs to provide all of the protections demanded by the Payments Services Directive, and the EBA Guidance.

3.3. Best Practices for Successful Deployment

So – how can you best set up your GenAI real-time payment platform for success?

As it says in the informative abstract, and as becomes even clearer from the in-depth research and analysis that I've read, the right technological approach means nothing without the right adjustments. That's exactly what "best practices" are: not solutions or shortcuts, but just what they say on the tin.

They're industry-standard techniques and strategies, developed through market observation and often studious effort, which professionals will optimally use in a given technological or organisational setup. In keeping with the mature theme of a modernising infrastructure but using tested methods, it's no coincidence that the abstract lists three proven examples of potential best practice (or at the very least, initial advice for later development in the study): identifying best environment, - Read latest update, and ongoing management. In the abstract to my research, for instance, I mention compliance with dialect differences in order to maximise listening habits in voice-based transaction systems. This is a very clear way of identifying who GenAI should be built around, and where best to deploy it in payment systems: in short, what sort of environment it goes with. IDG – an international market intelligence and advisory firm – suggests that even in the midst of a crisis and the widespread adoption of real-time payment systems, such as Covid-19, there continues to be and will likely be an increasing need for mature digital solutions.

3.4. Case Studies: Real-World Examples of GenAI in Action

To showcase some of the real-world benefits that GenAI can provide for real-time payment systems, a number of use cases have been compiled here. These vary in terms of which of the three broad types of real-time payment a given instance falls into (P2P, P2B or B2B), and also illustrate the many different areas of the payment process that GenAI can streamline or optimise.

By understanding the lessons that can be learned from these examples, payment providers and banks will not only appreciate that their industry is being revolutionised but also learn how they can take advantage of GenAI themselves. This is crucial; as the implementation of a new piece of infrastructure is ultimately just one step in a long journey of progress and evolution.

The better that all parties can work together to consolidate and propagate learning, the more quickly the benefits of GenAI will be felt by any given individual or organisation. So without further ado, on to the case studies!

4. The Future of Real-Time Payments with GenAI

Real-time payments run 24/7 and throughout the year without any break. Being powered by GenAI, the future of real-time payment will witness incentive-based payments for resources such as electricity and water. For instance, real-time electricity payments will mean better management of electricity because the financial incentives associated with GenAI will modify the consumer behaviors.

By promoting population-scale energy efficiency and Demand Response, GenAI and real-time will provide means for reducing greenhouse gases emissions, and the overall pollution in the environment. More so, in parallel with the development of the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. These cities will be provided with the capability to utilize real-time water management technology to detect and localize the water leaks and conserve water supplies.

The GenAI will create the financial incentives for consumers in the smart cities to use water more efficiently. GenAI can accumulate enormous and unwieldy water data, and by analyzing in real time, the smart city authorities can respond to the changes in the water behaviors immediately.

The power of GenAI will create a better life quality in the future smart cities. By promoting population-scale energy efficiency and Demand Response, GenAI and real-time will provide means for reducing greenhouse gases emissions, and the overall pollution in the environment. More so, in parallel with the development of the Internet of Things and Smart Cities. These cities will be provided with the capability to utilize real-time water management technology to detect and localize the water leaks and conserve water supplies. GenAI will provide a lot of predictive power in water management. By analyzing and interpreting water consumption in real time, the appliances, such as washing machines and dish washers, can be developed and installed on the basis of when water is most needed and in what volumes.

GenAI in real-time will bring revolutionary developments in the way of water supplies, and remedy cost issues as well as infrastructure management in the water industry. The future of real-time payments with GenAI using these state-of-the-art and cutting-edge technologies and revolution is bright.

Through market research and administration data analysis, the full potential for consumers to enjoy tailor-made and well-situated financial products in real-time for households can be realized. The undoubted benefits for regulators, the economy, and the consumers in embracing GenAI in real-time payment will provide long-term incentives for innovative solutions and developments in the payment industry.

4.1. Emerging Trends and Opportunities

Now, compared to more traditional services, the big real-time payments systems offer transfer services using a different approach. The key is to provide on-demand banking so that customers have a better, more comprehensive service which is increasingly intuitive and, most importantly, available when needed.

It's this prioritisation of customer service and the real-time financial industry that has opened the doors for many more modern payment methods. For instance, because of the success of real-time payment platforms and the 24/7 available service, new emerging Payment Service Providers (PSPs) have occupied the market, such as ShieldPay.

By ensuring that all transaction are secured and verified through the hold and release of funds service, proper protection is offered for both bank account and money during the buying and selling process. This gives customers further reason to consider using real-time payments for any and all kinds of transactions - something that will only serve to strengthen emerging markets. Also, the introduction and success of Apple Pay /GPay further highlights how mobile-based payments have relied on the push of real-time payments systems, and in turn have helped strengthen this cycle of development and use. With the attachment of a valid debit card to the Apple Wallet, users are able to complete transactions instantly with their mobiles, as any payment will be confirmed and processed through the real-time payment system. As well as adding an extra dimension to the suitability of real-time payment transactions, it's indicative of the adaptability that has presented itself in current times when considering real-time payments.

4.2. Potential Impact on Financial Institutions and Consumers

For instance, in making credit decisions, financiers may have to consider the predictive accuracy rates of AI in the calculations. This is because while individuals may attempt to conceal resources and liabilities, machine learning calculations can detect and map these resources with a great precision. It shows that AI has the potential of facilitating and enhancing the credit granting procedure. Also, credit processes probably will be faster and more economical.

This means that over time, more consumers may opt to leverage AI by providing access to their digital lives to facilitate credibility and risk assessments. Consequently, it's possible that credit scoring systems that are predicated on the ability of a person to make a specific financial decision could start giving way to systems that exclusively rely on consumer behavior data. Also, the credit industry could begin seeing a transition from pure probability statistics to complex systems that involve the amalgamation of behavior parameters and different computing models- as seen with AI. This could ultimately streamline the cost, time and paperwork involved in the conventional credit industry in the sense the current, accepted systems of credit ratings will become less depended upon.

The implications of adoption of AI in the credit sector are substantial not just to the industry itself, but also to the consumer and law. The introduction and use of AI credit granting machines are likely to complicate the question about who should be responsible- and consequently liable- in circumstances where a loan is incorrectly granted and losses are suffered by some parties as a result. This is particularly crucial in cases where the decision to grant credit has been made solely by the algorithm and without any sort of human input.

The question about legal obligation and liability in law has yet to be tackled head on in the current legal analysis. However, the overarching rationale and principle of any liability that falls on the credit provider, employer or manufacturer revolve around the surrounding circumstances of each individual instances, of which the analysis in general touches on an understanding of the essential significance of human input when technology is in operation. This is consistent with the laws in the UK, which requires complete transparency on the AI functioning and its capacity to 'affect' consumers- for example, in granting credit. It could be foreseen that such laws will further require the AI to 'provide an explanation' in respect of its decision. However, such a requirement will probably not be feasible and possibly even paradoxical given the present technologies in the truest sense of the terms. But ideally, AI has transformative potential in augmenting and refining the decisions made in the sector, ranging from fraud detection, assessment and validation of claims to scrutinizing the legitimacy of personal and health data.

4.3. Recommendations for Embracing GenAI in the Payment Industry

Despite the high potential and opportunities that both AI and GenAI offer to the payments space - faster, real-time, cost-effective and intelligent systems to fight financial crimes - our market research revealed that most industry professionals perceive applications of AI and GenAI as a threat to traditional arrangements and job securities. Therefore, in this transitional period of moving towards more AI and GenAI in the market, it is particularly important that active measures are taken to create a shared understanding and to foster an environment where both AI proponents and non-AI proponents are prepared and committed to play a positive and productive role in the digital-led payment ecosystems.

First and foremost, financial institutions need to re-evaluate their current systems and operations so as to identify areas where AI and GenAI could be incorporated. While doing this, we must be reminded that the strategic end goal of using AI and GenAI is to value add to the business and to offer competitive products and services, not just to reform what is currently in place and what are working well.

Secondly, collaboration and knowledge and experience sharing platforms should be established, managed and sponsored by professional bodies to promote awareness and adoption of AI and GenAI. This could be in a form of funding awards for innovation, appointing thought leaders to run workshops and online forums or designing new and relevant curriculum for continuous professional development programmes.

Also, it is essential to create an internal change culture that embraces innovation and champions the use of AI. This could be done through tailored training programmes to continuously update technical and AI knowledge.

Last but not least, study suggests that in order to collectively influence and promote the smooth transitioning into a more AI and GenAI ready industry, a top-to-bottom approach should be adopted in developing a guiding framework to soliciting and addressing collective feedback for such frameworks - from institutions, from technology providers and also from business solution users.



Comments: (1)

Ketharaman Swaminathan
Ketharaman Swaminathan - GTM360 Marketing Solutions - Pune 16 February, 2024, 12:46Be the first to give this comment the thumbs up 0 likes

tl;dr but one quick correction: Person making a payment is called "Payor", person receiving a payment is called "Payee".

You might want to fix your following sentence accordingly: "Predominantly, fraud prevention measures with real-time payments have focused on the person making the payment, known as the "payee"." 

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