With every passing year, we are seeing our chances to tackle climate change diminish, but we are not without the opportunity to make a change. The summer of 2023 was the world’s hottest on record according to NASA, with Europe being stuck by the largest wildfires ever recorded, Storm Daniel decimating Libya, and record-breaking downfalls in Hong Kong.
The financial sector has a big role to play in changing the trajectory of the world. The opportunities presented by ESGtech (Environmental, Social, and Governance Technology) play a large part in that. This report aims to analyse a variety of the ESGtech options and present a future the impacts they could have on our future.
Focusing on sustainability will be pivotal for the financial sector moving into 2024. This Finextra report, produced as part of SustainableFinance.Live, features expert views from Dimitra, HeavyFinance, McKinsey & Company, MVGX, Rimm Sustainability, and Zumo, and explores how financial organisations use ESGtech to make substantial change.
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