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Scott's long read archive

2024 (8) 2023 (27) 2022 (2)
Scott Hamilton

Scott Hamilton

Contributing Editor at Finextra Research
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Long reads

AI and Quantum pack a dual punch for financial institutions

22 May 2024

Attorney and Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) Megan Moloney delivered the keynote address to the Northwest Association for Financial Professionals (NWAFP) annual Summit. The event brought together treasury practitioners, financial services and fintech providers, and community leaders to Bellevue, Washington, USA for a fu...

Levelling the playing field for sustainable, green investments

03 May 2024

“Our point is now, the real place this world is going is not back to 1950. In fact, we're going to a clean world, a sustainable, a healthy world, and a safe world. That's where we're going. And it's inevitable. So, you might as well get on the train and make some money.” That’s Tom Steyer’s message, in response to an audience question on the role ...


US Federal Reserve leaves interest rates unchanged, what’s next for banks and customers?

02 May 2024

With the US Federal Reserve’s announcement Wednesday to hold interest rates steady at a target benchmark of 5.25-5.50%, broad implications of this decision are starting to line up across the financial services arena. Continuing at the highest level since 2001, current rates are being held in place by the central bank board because of what they cal...

Will embedded finance change UK fintech by 2035?

18 Apr 2024

Buying vs. building is not going away, it’s accelerating in the business world. This is an extract from the recently published report, 'The Future of UK Fintech - 2015-2035'. Three in five (60%) UK adults has used embedded finance services as part of the checkout process when shopping online in the past 12 months. Embedded finance services include...