Our terms

Finextra Community rules in plain English

  1. You take full responsibility for your own actions and comments
  2. Be nice to other members and behave with dignity and decorum at all times
  3. Do not upload photos that are copyright or break our general rules
  4. Do not give away trade secrets or pass off others words and ideas as your own
  5. Do not use the site to attempt to sell your services and products
  6. Do not try to break the system or post nasty malware
  7. We can suspend your membership and delete your postings if you break the rules
  8. We can re-use your postings if we like them
  9. We can change the rules
  10. We do not endorse your comments
  11. We don't have to let you in

Contact (for non-editorial queries)
Finextra Research Limited
1 Gresham Street
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)20 3100 3670
Email: contact@finextra.com