Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

Founded by Sray Agarwal
Group founded 05 Sep 2019
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Artificial Intelligence and Financial Services

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Serhii Bondarenko

Navigating the Upcoming Earnings Calendar: A Detailed Guide for Investors (May 20–24)

Anticipate Market Movements from May 20 to May 24, 2024 As we approach another significant week in the financial markets, investors and analysts alike are gearing up to review a plethora of earnings

17 May 2024
Chris George

The GenAI revolution: maximising benefits and mitigating risks in finance

Generative AI is a revolution offering unprecedented opportunities and developing at a pace unlike anything we’ve witnessed previously. In the City of London, more than a third of financial service l...

17 May 2024
Jaideep Dhok

Generative AI Revolutionizes Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance

This article was co-authored by Praveen Bhadada, Head of Generative AI, Persistent Systems. In less than two years since its inception, Generative AI (GenAI) has become a pivotal area of investment in...

15 May 2024
Aditi Subbarao

How To Slice a Data Cake: A Guide to Tidying Up Your Data Space (Crumbs Included)

Most of you might not know this… if the 3- to 4-year age group demographic is part of your target market, the product of choice is rainbow cakes. And maybe unicorns, but real cake trumps imaginary a

15 May 2024
Serhii Bondarenko

The Art of Algorithmic Trading Strategies: Leveraging AI for Market Success

Algorithmic trading strategies, pivotal in today's financial markets, must be built on solid statistical methods and a sound understanding of market dynamics. These strategies automate trading by foll...

06 May 2024
Serhii Bondarenko

Effective Stock Analysis using AI

Hedge funds and institutional investors have traditionally held a significant advantage in the financial markets, largely due to their vast resources for research and sophisticated trading technology....

05 May 2024
Serhii Bondarenko

The Art of Swing Trading to Increase Profits

Swing trading is a financial strategy aimed at capitalizing on short- to medium-term gains in stock or other financial instruments over a period of a few days to several weeks. This method primarily e...

03 May 2024
Serhii Bondarenko

The Impact of AI on Predictive Analytics in Trading

In the evolving landscape of financial technology, innovations in artificial intelligence (AI) have ushered in a new era for trading bots, transforming the way market operations are conducted. These s...

03 May 2024
Serhii Bondarenko

What are the Tax Implications for Making a Profit (or Loss) On a Stock?

Investing in stocks can be a rewarding endeavor, but it's crucial to understand the tax implications of making a profit or incurring a loss on your investments. This article aims to provide insights i...

02 May 2024
Ellen Roberson

Generative AI vs. Fraudsters: How GenAI will reshape fraud fighting

Like nearly everyone else, anti-fraud professionals are anxious to put artificial intelligence (AI) to work – especially generative AI (GenAI). In fact, 8 in 10 (83%) of fraud fighters expect to add G...

30 Apr 2024

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